The Nazka culture The area of the Nazka culture is located in the southern coastal region of Peru, mostly in the valleys of Ica and the river basin of the Rio Grande of Nazka. It is a desert zone which is crossed by narrow river valleys with considerably wide arid plains separating them. The Nazka culture followed the Paracas culture in the region, and developed between 200 BC and 600 AD. It is not known who is responsible for the drawing of the huge drawings and markings, called geoglyphs, on the Nazka Lines. Many popular theories have an astronomical or anthropological basis. Prominent figures are the spider, monkey, bird, tree, whale and huge trapezoids. Many of these figures also appear on Nazkan ceramics and textiles. The Nazka Lines have remained as they are for at least 2000 years and due to their gigantic size, they are best seen from the air. This gives rise to the theory that they were meant to be seen from the air. The reason that they can remain pretty much intact is a result of the weather conditions; it's very dry, and there isn't any wind touching the floor of this plateau. Today, the Pan-American Highway crosses through the Plateau. Because of the success of the movie "Chariots of the Gods?" many came to see the lines. They criss-crossed over the lines with their vehicles, and unfortunately, those tire markings will last as long as the actual Nazka Lines. People are prohibited from driving there now, and can only walk on them with supervision. Our guide said that strange magetism in certain areas of this plateau causes a compass to malfunction.